Out of Home development expert Andy Goodman answers your leasing questions.
What do you think of first rights of refusal?
In my Lease I have a clause that states I have the first right of refusal to purchase the property. Most property owners are interested in taking the property out to bid in the market place and I welcome that. I tell the property owner get your best offer and then give me the last opportunity to buy it for that price. That’s how its worked for me. Some property owners don’t want this clause in the Lease so I consider this a “throw away” clause. Let’s get rid of it but we have to keep the section that restricts the property owner from selling an easement around my billboard to anybody except me or pass it on to their family. I don’t want to do business with a company that collects easements around billboards controlling my Lease. If the property owner won’t agree to this clause its not worth doing business with them.
What’s your opinion of landlord clauses which restrict certain advertisements?
I understand that Landlords have concerns over certain categories of advertising and competitive advertising. And I respect that. Most property owners and tenants on a property don’t want sexually explicit advertising on the billboard because it may reflect badly on their values, morals and image. We do our best to meet their expectations. When it comes to competitive advertising we are very specific. If a fast food restaurant occupies a property we will restrict competitive advertising in the fast food restaurant category, but Im not going to allow for a restriction of what soft drinks they may or may not be pouring. I will also extend that restriction to future primary tenants.
Why aren’t the cell companies going on billboards?
I’ve tried to work with a number of cell companies to put towers on billboards. I’m not sure why it’s not working. With 5G going forward they need towers every 500 feet. What better way than to hookup with the billboard companies. The cell companies I have worked with move very slow. I’ve also been told by other billboard companies that they don’t want cell sites on the billboards. The warnings of potential hazard to human life that goes along with the cell sites have caused some billboard companies to say, we don’t want future claims by our employees who service the billboard who become sick at a later date.
Andy Goodman has 33 years experience siting and developing billboards. You can reach Andy at andygoodman.age@gmail.com.
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