A Todd Heller Donor for Dad Billboard update.

Insider has written before about the Donor for Dad billboard campaign to find a kidney donor for Formetco Executive Todd Heller.  Todd tells Insider that the campaign might have saved the life of a potential kidney donor.  We’ll let Todd tell the story.

Hello and thank you again to all the companies that have put billboards up for us!  A young man by the name of Daniel found us on a billboard in Texarkana, Texas.  Daniel lives a couple of hours from there and just caught the tail end of the donor for dad ad as he passed by on the way home from a trip to see family for Thanksgiving.  He was not able to get the donor for dad info and figured we were listed at a hospital in Texas.  He made calls and searched for us for over a month. …He said he was drawn by the picture on the billboard and felt a calling from God to find us and to give Todd a kidney.  Daniel finally found us through the owner of this billboard.  Daniel is a 21-year-old married farmer with 3 beautiful children. He was very excited as he was a direct match for Todd.  Daniel and his Aunt, who would have been his caretaker after the surgery came to Atlanta for a day of testing. After each test he called us happy that he had been passing.  The last test was a cat scan of Daniels kidneys…he did not pass.  We are devastated as Daniel got diagnosed with stage 3 kidney cancer which the hospital said came from somewhere else in his body. He will be on his way to Cancer Centers of America in Arizona to get tested and find out more about what is going on and what his treatment will be.  We were really hoping to have a happy story for you but please know how truly grateful we are for all of you who have been helping us as Todd’s search continues. Daniel is an extraordinary young man and we have made a lifelong friend and will be following his progress and of course, praying for him.

Again, we cannot thank you enough for all the inquiries and applications the billboards have generated. By Daniel seeing this billboard and trying to save Todd’s life we believe that the billboard will save Daniels life!

Todd tells Insider that another potential kidney donor is going through testing right now.  Todd you are in our prayers.

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One Comment

  1. What an amazing turn of events. God doesn’t work in mysterious ways.