Additional Comments on OUTFRONT Losing the MTA Contract

Thanks to all of our readers who provided their thoughts on our stories on the MTA awarding their contract to Clear Channel and the OUTFRONT thoughts on that contract. Here are some of the comments we received.

“You guys had it right. The 15 year contract was super expensive, big check, tight margin. Rumors are that the mag (minimum amount guaranteed) on this deal was around where actuals have been – yikes. Sure MTA dangled a carrot by telling operators they can develop new signs, but NYC is extremely hard to develop, and with a fifteen year window you would really need to get your steel built in the next five to make big bucks, right?”

“Imagine how hard it must have been for Outfront to perform well on both transit and bulletins. In that market they must have been competing with themselves. Then, with Covid there must have been a pause around billboard that probably put a larger damper on the last few years of the franchise.”

“CCO must be in heaven. They have never had this kind of visibility or plant size. This is epic for them and I couldn’t be happier for them. They have good sellers and will do well. They are in the unique position to be able to now sell bulletins, without another one nearby.”

Insiders Note:  If you have any thoughts on the deal, let us know at


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