In 2020, over 3 million women left the workforce.
In September of 2020 alone, for every man that left the workforce, four women left as well.
Covid-19 has no doubt caused long-standing cracks in the life that we knew, cracks that we will be fighting to repair for years to come. One thing that has truly become prevalent is just how much COVID-19 has disproportionately affected women, and more specifically, women of color.
These figures are astounding, and the fact of the matter is, COVID-19 has set women back a generation, in what is now being referred to as “the first global female recession.”
So, what are Dress for Success Charlotte and Adams Outdoor Advertising doing to help?
Dress for Success is a global organization with more than 140 affiliates around the world. It has been a champion of women’s economic upward mobility for more than 20 years. The organization helps women regardless of where they are in their professional journey, whether it is entering the workforce for the first time or transitioning within the workforce.
Many of the fundraising and awareness efforts for Charlotte, NC’s local Dress for Success affiliate were previously large in-person community events so, as a result of COVID-19, their financial resources have taken a large hit. To overcome this challenge, the organization fully embraced Women’s History month, localizing an International campaign called “Your Hour Her Power,” to celebrate 31 women in leadership positions in Charlotte. These women have pledged to pay it forward by donating an hour of their pay to Dress for Success. Additionally, each of these women are calling upon their colleagues via social media to ask them to donate an hour of their pay as well.
Given what we know about the impact of out-of-home advertising on driving social/mobile engagement and brand awareness, the team at Adams Outdoor Advertising saw this as the perfect opportunity to jump in and lend a helping hand by putting together a digital out of home plan for the month of March. Each day, a new female leader is featured on various digital units throughout the Charlotte market. In essence, we are celebrating women helping other women.
Alfrika Williams and Jade Mason are two of the professional females featured during this campaign. Both of these women utilized Dress for Success Charlotte programs and services and have since entered the workforce, successfully transitioning upward in each of their respective fields. These women are serving as the bookends to this campaign, bringing it full circle to truly emphasize the impact that Dress for Success has on women and their professional development.
As of this date, more than $35,000 has been raised for Dress for Success Charlotte, a true testament to the fact that online + outdoor advertising, together, are more relevant and powerful than anyone has yet to imagine.
If you are interested in making a donation in support of this organization’s efforts or volunteering your time at a local affiliate, you can find more information here:
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