A European Billboard Idea for the US?

California out of home attorney Marnie Christine Cody Ware couldn’t help noticing some spectacular digital billboards on a recent trip to Milan.   She shares this with Billboard Insider.

Here in Los Angeles, only non-digital off-site signs are allowed on temporary construction walls, and they can’t exceed 250 sf, nor 8 feet in height. That’s quite a contrast to what I observed on my recent trip to Milan. Restoration work is everywhere, and large-scale digital advertising publicly sponsors restoration efforts. Much of the tall scaffolding around the Duomo and other significant buildings is hidden by large scale full motional digital off-site signs affixed to even larger mesh screens with graphic details that replicate the architecture beyond. Urban Vision & Samsung must have a sweet deal. The script below the blank digital on the Duomo translates to “Samsung contributes to the architectural restoration of the Duomo of Milan.” My family thought I was pretty silly shooting pics of all the OOH, but it was really awesome to see!

Billboard Insider’s take:  Why couldn’t this be done on scaffolded buildings in the US?


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One Comment

  1. Seems especially practical for restoration of nonprofit and public buildings where funds from the advertisers could lesson the financial burden on the charitable organization and taxpayers.