A Designer Asks, “Where do you get your images?”

A Designer Asks, “Where do you get your images?”  Out of Home Creative Founder and Chief Creative Officer Melody Roberts says this.

There are several stock sites to choose from, depending on your budget. Some popular sites are adobestock.com, shutterstock.com, and gettyimages.com, ranging from $9 to $500 per image (packages and subscriptions available).

Because I use multiple stock sites to find what I am looking for, the answer is a little more involved. Once I conceptualize an idea, I search for images to bring it to life. Each site offers something different, and I often combine several images to create what I envision, so I explore various sites before committing to a design. I will also create illustrations for whatever I cannot obtain.

For example, while researching images for the zombie apocalypse billboard for Hyundai of Dothan, I came across multiple images supporting my vision. One billboard was transformed into three different ones due to the idea of using them as an integrated campaign.

Referring to what I mentioned above, I didn’t feel that this zombie image adequately conveyed what I was thinking. I wanted the zombie’s hand to be more dramatic, extending outward. I searched for another hand image that complimented the original to accomplish this. Once I found the 3D hand/arm, I manipulated it into the original photo. To enhance it, we used green LED eyes.


Submit your creative questions to melody@outofhomecreative.com or davewestburg@billboardinsider.com


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