Dan Nausley – “Effective Sales Training is About A True Partnership”

Being effective in sales takes both training and experience.  In a hot economy, sales can come easily, but when businesses begin worrying about inflation  and a softening economy the importance of training and the developed skills of your salespeople become more and more important. Insider spoke with Dan Nausley of Sandler Training who provides a unique program of ongoing training .

Dan Nausley, Sandler Training and the OOH Sales Mastery Class

Dan, your approach with your client companies is unique and has had a high rate of success. Can you tell us how that relationship works?

Frankly, it works by not just being some trainers that deliver a curriculum and then standing at the door shaking hands wishing them luck. It is about creating a true partnership with our OOH clients to ensure successful application of what they and their people have learned and being there for real time, live deal coaching and consultation. It is being with them every step of the way as they get back out in the real world and start using the strategies/techniques to make sure they will be successful.

So this is more than a one-time sales seminar that we see so often?

Oh absolutely. This program is based upon an engagement that provides ongoing training/coaching and reinforcement to ensure each participant understands how it applies in their world and can do it in a manner that is comfortable for them personally. The founder of Sandler wrote his first book decades ago and titled it “You Can’t Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar”. Look, we’ve learned over 50 years of training 76% of the Fortune 500 companies and in our firm specializing in working with OOH companies that changing your results doesn’t happen by reading a book or going to a 2-day seminar. We’ve all experienced doing the aforementioned and getting excited about new information. We might even get a bit of a “productivity bump” for a month or two…but inevitably we all tend to revert back to what we have always done. Being exposed to great curriculum or technique/strategy is wonderful. However, if there is not a component of ongoing reinforcement and coaching you might as well save your time, your energy and your money. Decades of data all suggest that it will not give you the long-term behavioral change you are looking for.

As a business owner, why would it make sense for my company to make the investment in your program?

It doesn’t for everyone. That is why it is so important to sit down with each OOH owner and ask them questions to help me (and sometimes them) determine what kind of results they are currently getting versus what is truly their realistic potential. What we find is that if we can get them to slow down enough to truly analyze their own operation, the “gap” between where they are and where THEY believe it really could be is sometimes a lot larger than they thought. If that is the case (AND it is important to them to significantly grow their occupancy and revenues) that is when it makes sense to engage.

How would I get started?

Simple really. Just reach out via my email dan.nausley@sandler.com or call our office (we are the only Sandler office in the country that specializes in OOH training/coaching) at 423.702.5579


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One Comment

  1. Great interview with Dan. He is absolutely correct when he says sales (or anything else for that matter) cannot be taught in a one day seminar. It really does take a partnership. Sales has to be re-enforced on a regular basis for folks to grab the basics and purpose.
    At my age, having been in the business for over 40 years, I still learn something new almost every day just by listening and observing. That’s probably the main reason I’m still involved in the business. I simply love hearing the new strategies, concepts, products, and services, and putting my own spin on them and delivering a message. That’s what OOH sales is all about.