Neil Bell on Sales Training for Out of Home Sales Reps

Neil Bell, New South Outdoor

New South Outdoor founder Neil Bell talked with Billboard Insider about a sales rep training event which he is organizing.

Neil, I hear you’re putting together a sales training event for out of home sales reps. Can you tell us more about it?

Yes. I tend to get pulled in many different directions everyday and because of that I have consistently struggled to give my sales people the kind of training that I want them to have. I know good training can make a huge difference so I wanted to get someone who specifically knew OOH sales to come teach them. I also felt certain that there were other independent billboard operators and their sales staff who were in the same boat – so that brought about the idea to put something like this together. We were able to get Kevin Gephart (frequent Billboard Insider contributor) to come conduct training for the event which is expressly for independent OOH sales people.

What kind of topics will be covered?

Out of Home Sales Expert Kevin Gephart

Kevin has prepared a great session. Prospecting, presentation skills, closing, and discussions on treating your “sales job” as the great career that it is. My hope is that not only will the attendees learn something, but that they leave excited about selling outdoor.

When, where and how much?

We are having it in Atlanta, Georgia June 1-2. The cost is $275 per attendee.

Are there spots available?

Currently we have a handful of spots available…but I expect to fill the remainder in the next week or so.

What should people do if they are interested in pursuing the training?

Visit the site that we have prepared for the event – You can fill out the registration letting us know how many people from your company wish to attend. I do want to say again that space is limited. If we fill up, we will begin taking on a list for a second event we plan on having in the near future.


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