Billboard Insider Readers Turn to Spouse, Co-workers or a Bible Study for Ethical Advice

Last Friday’s Doing the Right Thing…even when it hurts post we asked readers who they consulted for advice on ethical issues involving their out of home companies.  Our readers are most likely to get ethical advice from a spouse, a co-worker or an accountability group like a Bible study.  Here are the results of our poll.

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One Comment

  1. I did not see the above poll on where people get guidance for ethical issues. What is surprising to me is the fact that consulting another human being, not an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher came in higher than consulting the God who created the universe the earth, and everything upon it. With so much happening around us the truth pouring out regarding the evils that surround us every day, God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the light of the Holy Spirit is the only way evil will be defeated. I spend a minimum of an hour a day getting into the written word, praying, and talking with my God. He is the only way, He is our provider, our healer, our protector. TO those that believe they are where they are due to themselves, beware: for the power of the almighty God gives us the opportunities, health, strength, and prosperity, as we ourselves are nothing but dust if not for the breath of the Almighty God in our lungs, and without the blood of Jesus Christ, we are weak against the principalities and demons of the darkness. America and other nations around the world are waking up by the millions to the evils of government and other portions of our society, and what they represent. It is time for all of God’s people to know and understand without Him we are mere dust and without the blood of Jesus, we are weak and can do nothing on our own. I give all praise, honor, and glory to the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. God is our breath, Jesus is our chief cornerstone and the Holy Spirit is the light within us all. God is raising up His chosen dry bone army to stand up against the principalities of darkness, and God never loses, He is victorious in every war He wages.