Hamlin Cody on the Benefits of Billboards

Richard Hamlin and Marnie Christine Cody of Hamlin Cody Law firm are running a series of short videos on Billboard Law.  Some highlights from the most recent video.

Richard Hamlin Benefits of Digital Billboards

They make is possible to pass on current news as it happens.  They make it possible to see…sports scores, headlines.  Things that you can’t do with a static billboard and you can’t do with a newspaper until the next day.

Marne Cody on new billboard development.

What I like about the industry…is new development.  And that’s what I like to do best.  Help people with new development…It’s such a win-win.  Having a billboard in real estate is a win-win for both the property owner and the industry and honestly, for the community who’s driving by.

Richard Hamlin on the benefits of billboards for landowners.

Having a billboard is a real win for the property owner.  The rent per square foot is phenomonal.  A modern billboard will have a 5 foot pole on the ground.  That probably occupies something less than 25 square feet on the ground.  And a property owner maybe collects hundreds of dollars, or in some cases thousands of dollars a month in rent for just 25 square feet.  And the property owner has no building to maintain, doesn’t have to hire anybody to clean it, the billboard company takes care of all that.

You can watch the entire video below.


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