Tennessee Outdoor Association Meeting May 10

By Tammy Phillips, CEO/Executive Director, Outdoor Advertising Association of Tennessee

The OAAT is very excited to present an updated Agenda for our annual OAAT Meeting on May 10th. The meeting will be located at The Hermitage Hotel in Nashville, TN.

Here is the speaker list.

Kerry Yoakum from OAAA to give us industry updates.

Holly Kirby from Johnson, Poss & Kirby to give us legislative updates that are specific to Tennessee

Ed Herty from Outfront with his presentation, “How important is Creative,”

Ian Dallimore from Lamar with his presentation, “The Future of Programmatic OOH.”


We are still taking RSVP’s through COB on 5/6! We invite all that are interested in the OOH industry to attend!  Registration is $50 for OAAT members and $100 for any non-members. Please contact Tammy Phillips attammyphillips@oaatn.com for more information on how to register and attend!


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