Company of the Day: Ashby St Outdoor

Screen Shot 2016-03-19 at 2.03.54 PMCompany: Ashby St Outdoor

Markets: Northwest Arkansas.

Headquarters: 1830 Shelby Lane, Fayetteville, AR  72704

Phone:  479-442-0300

mataloneAshby Street Outdoor was founded in April 2011 with the purchase of approximately 400 billboards in Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma from Fowler Media.  In January 2016 the company purchased Clear Channel’s Fort Smith Arkansas and Witchita Kansas plant.  Jim Matalone is the company’s founder.  Prior to starting Ashby Street, Matalone was the President and CEO of NextMedia Outdoor for 9 years.  Jim has served as Vice Chair of Marketing and as a member of the Board of Directors of OAAA and has over 25 years experience in the outdoor business.  Insider talked with Matalone this week.

Jim, give us an overview of your plant.

Company wide we have just under 2000 faces including 75 digital faces. About 1300 of those are in Arkansas.

You’ve got lots of signs in Arkansas.What’s the market like?

Our Arkansas inventory is divided among three different markets. Northwest Arkansas which covers the Bentonville/Fayetteville/Rogers CBSA is one. Next is Ft. Smith which also spills over into Oklahoma markets of Muskogee and Tahlequah. The remainder of our coverage is based out of Central Arkansas and includes Little Rock and surrounding areas.

How’s the integration of the Ft Smith/Wichita signs you purchased from Clear Channel proceeding?

We have done extremely well, especially considering this acquisition tripled our size and it was done so quickly. I credit our staff with doing an amazing job working though all the transition related changes all the while doing their normal jobs selling,, installing, etc.

Who’s digital signs are you using and what have you learned?

With this acquisition we now have units with all the major suppliers. Daktronics, Yesco, Watchfire, and Formetco. All seem to have good products. We feel the difference comes with service and support. We are now in the process of evaluating them on that basis.

You’ve executed a couple large acquisitions.  One to start the company and the Clear Channel Ft Smith/Witchita acquisition earlier this year.  Any advice you’d like to give on making an acquisition successful?

From my experience, clear honest communication is the single most important requirement to having a successful transaction. Be clear and upfront with your valuation and intentions as a buyer or seller and that most often produces a smooth successful transaction for both sides.




  1. Dave,
    Thanks again for the post. It looks like you cut/pasted one of my answers twice. Here is the answer for the integration question:

    We have done extremely well, especially considering this acquisition tripled our size and it was done so quickly. I credit our staff with doing an amazing job working though all the transition related changes all the while doing their normal jobs selling,, installing, etc.

  2. billboardinsider

    Thanks Jim. Noted and corrected.