Tom Jackson: Billboards are the best way to communicate with the public.

By Tom Jackson, Veale Outdoor

The impact advertisements on the board have cannot be denied yet reactions are not always fed back to us so overtly, that is, of course, until an ad happens to spark controversy. Thousands of eyes fall upon our digital billboard along Highway 101, Sonoma County’s main artery, over 2 million impressions per month  You have probably heard that a hotly debated ad placed by a group of parents to inspire a discussion around distance learning and how to get children back to school sparked local reaction, erupting into an inferno, as the media outlets blazed a quick path towards national attention.

The Ad went up on Monday and within 24 hours it was all over the news.

The ad was placed on our highway 101 board to promote discussion around safe school openings during a raging pandemic, an issue of intense personal interest to parents, educators, and the community at large. It got a landslide of both community and media attention. It is now reported that over 600 other billboards are running similarly themed messages demanding national attention to the matter.

We in the industry know the billboard messaging is the best tried-and-true method to communicate directly with the public. This ‘case study’ of the public’s reactions validates no matter the subject, the power and reach of outdoor advertising is undeniable, not just in promoting products and services, or posting service alerts, but most importantly in the ability to foster community dialog and awareness.

Media Results Included multiple stories on every major outlet:

  • Press Democrat Newspaper article
  • ABC 7 news story
  • KRON/NBC bay area/National news story
  • FOX news national
  • KCBS news story
  • Fox/KTVU2 news story
  • CNN National news story

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