Reader Comments on Black Lives Matter Billboard Coming Down

Some reader comments on Lamar’s decision to run Black Lives Matter copy on a billboard whose landowner was flying a confederate sign.

An out of home exec says Lamar was right to run the ad.

I agree with Lamar running the ad. I do believe that we are supposed to still have some sort of freedom of speech. I have also had a” Black lives matter” on my board. I had a racist man to call me complaining about the black lives matter on the board.  After he finished his rant I told him that I don’t discriminate at all. I told him that he was free to run a tasteful ad. He asked me if I would run a ”White lives matter ad”I told him yes I would. I then asked him what method of payment would he be using. I have not heard back from him. Either shit or get off of the pot. I guess he got off of the pot. His attitude was really toilet paper.

Another says too bad the parties couldn’t work it out.

Good leases are hard to find period.  Now if it is a good lease then I predict that another Outdoor Company will come in and build another structure in its place.  I was in the outdoor world for 41 years and saw a lot in my time there.  In the Outdoor world you have to try to get along with everyone.  Just sad to see they couldn’t work something out before it came to this.  If I heard this once I heard it too many times to count.  Communication!

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One Comment

  1. The second comment about losing the lease location on the Black Lives Matter billboard ad is interesting. A huge amount of billboard sites are nonconforming which means probably another billboard can’t be put up if the site is nonconforming to the various zoning ordinances of local, county and also state or federal regulations and statutes…