PJ Solomon CPM Comparison shows bulletins, posters and shelters a good value

PJ Boidman has published US Media CPM comparisons in the July 2020 Media Monthly.  Bulletins, posters and transit shelters are a good value with a CPM will below broadcast, TV and publishing.

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One Comment

  1. If the definitions and measurement of the “impressions” used for each of these media were based on common and comparable audience currencies (or if they were all calibrated to a norm) this CPM chart would be of some value as an overall cross media efficiency assessment for different media platforms albeit at 50,000 feet. I doubt very much that this is the case which means that if PJ Solomon used Eyes-On audience metrics from GeoPath for OOH and/or PPM audience metrics for radio those media are at a severe disadvantage as their impressions would be of higher value relative to the impression metrics used for other media – merely circulation or served apparently which have no measure of viewing in them! Of note, using ads served (media circulation)or even fully rendered by a media vehicle as an impressions measure across all media is a very weak surrogate for the optimum value of impressions to advertisers and their agencies when defined at either the Eyes-On, for OOH, or “Ears-On”, for radio measures. In addition, the PJ Solomon CPM chart is apparently reflective of 2018 and the reference notes in the blue box are at best misleading to be polite.
    “CPM Comparisons”? ‘C’ompletely ‘P’ositively ‘M’ad!!