4th of July Sale on Insider’s New Book!

Running through July 5th, Billboard Insider has reduced the purchase price of Billboard Insider’s Guide to Leases, Easements and Real Estate  by $10. Just use discount code ZSTKK0RJ at the point of purchase.


The 130 page Guide tells you:

  • How to use an out of home attorney effectively
  • 21 things in a good out of home lease
  • 11 things in a good out of home easement
  • Lessons from  28 legal cases and Billboard Insider articles on out of home leases and easements
  • When your out of home company should purchase real estate and how your should structure a real estate purchase.

The Guide also contains

  • a boilerplate out of home lease
  • a boilerplate out of home easement
  • a list of attorneys specializing in out of home lease and easement law.

The Guide normally costs $79.95 and is available in pdf and ebook formats.  You can purchase and download your copies of the Guide  here.  Make sure you use the discount code shown above at the point of purchase.

If you need help purchasing your copy of the Guide contact johnhweller@comcast.net.

Comments from readers:

I received the book yesterday! It’s a work of art! Thank you!

Keep up the AWESOME work … Thanks for your service to the industry.

I sure wish this book had been around when I started in the business. I would have saved so much time and money avoiding many of the pitfalls of billboard leasing.


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