How Many Out of Home Companies Are There?

How many Out of Home companies are there in North America?  Insider’s guess: 600-800  Insider has identified 590 Out of Home companies which have websites.  There are many small Out of Home companies which don’t have websites.

Insider’s 2,763 daily newsletter subscribers come from more than 435 different Out of Home companies.

Where are the Out of Home companies headquartered?  No surprises here.  Lots of OOH companies headquartered in the most populous states and in states which are auto-centric and growing.  Few companies headquartered in small states.  No companies headquartered in states which prohibit out of home (Alaska, Maine, Vermont).


State Number of OOH Companies Headquarters in State
Texas 51
Georgia 43
New York 39
California 38
Illinois 28
Pennsylvania 26
Florida 25
Ohio 24
North Carolina 21
Tennessee 20
Louisiana 18
Minnesota 17
Oklahoma 17
Indiana 16
Alabama 15
Arizona 13
Missouri 13
South Carolina 13
Michigan 12
New Jersey 12
Arkansas 11
Kansas 8
Washington 8
Massachusetts 7
Utah 7
Oregon 7
Nebraska 6
Colorado 5
Kentucky 5
Mississippi 5
Montana 5
Nevada 5
North Dakota 5
Virginia 5
Connecticut 4
South Dakota 4
Wisconsin 4
Iowa 3
Maryland 3
Ontario 3
Puerto Rico 3
West Virginia 3
British Columbia 2
Hawaii 2
New Hampshire 2
New Mexico 2
Alberta 1
Delaware 1
District of Columbia 1
Idaho 1
Wyoming 1
Alaska 0
Maine 0
Rhode Island 0
Vermont 0
Total 590

By headquarters we mean where the corporate office is located, not where a company owns a plant.

How many out of home companies do you think there are in North America?  Let Insider know using the form below.

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