Ubimo Reports Consumer Traffic is Recovering

The folks at Ubimo looked into consumers’ out-of-home movement to understand the impact of quarantines. The resulting data provides some interesting insight into some of the biggest news stories over the past 2 months – you can actually see things like panic buying, and even protests, within the data (example below):


But it also creates an infrastructure for industry recovery by enabling marketers to identify DMAs as they stabilize and accordingly respond region by region (we are finally beginning to map out recovery with the data below, with some cities like Dallas and Houston increasing at a much faster rate over the past two weeks). 

For example, while many have prognosticated the pandemic as doomsday for the out-of-home medium, this data illustrates that there are plenty of strategic opportunities to get in front of purposeful shoppers with low brand loyalty; brands aren’t moving away from the channel, they’re just changing the way they spend within it.

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