Blue Sky Digital Printing – Together We Can Do So Much

By Baud Ramirez, General Manager, Blue Sky Digital Printing

This COVID-19 pandemic is creating a very nerve-wracking time.  Here at Blue Sky Digital Printing, we want to let everyone know that we will all pull through this difficult time together and that we remain ready to serve our customers’ printing needs.  As this pandemic started to unfold, we made a pro-active move and ordered extra material so that we would remain able to serve our customers’ needs.

As many people now know, we have set up a program to specifically benefit most of our outdoor advertising customers. What is that program? Promo Bucks!  Our Promo Bucks Program allows our customers to earn 5% back on everything they print, and this 5% can be used towards printing your promos.  For example, for every 1,000 Sq. Ft. you print with us you’ll earn 50 Sq. Ft. of credit towards a free promo. Promo Bucks are redeemable when there are enough points for the entire promo submitted.  As an added bonus, we will also cover the shipping costs on the redeemed promos.

In an effort to work with our customers in the fight against COVID-19, we are now allowing them to apply their Promo Bucks towards Public Service Announcements versus solely for promos.  We know everyone is going through a hard time and that everyone will be taking conservative steps to protect themselves and others, which is why we wanted to do our part and allow everyone to use their Promo Bucks in a way that is beneficial for them and others as they make PSA’s in an effort to combat COVID-19.

We look forward to the day that this pandemic and systemic fear will be behind us and allow us to look back to see how much stronger it has made us.  We will be grateful for the relationships we build now.  Until then, if you find yourself in need of our services, we here at Blue Sky Digital Printing would love the opportunity to serve you and build a long-lasting relationship with you!


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  1. I agree. Together, we will come through stronger. Thank you for extending your hand to help others up during this time of high anxiety and uncertainty.

  2. Do the PSAs have to be ones we create or can you sell us Ad Council and other COVID-19 PSAs?

  3. Here is a reply from Blue Sky on the Anonymous question:

    “We do not own the copyright to Ad Council or any other COVID-19 PSAs, so yes you would have to either provide a design that you have created or want printed or we have a team of graphic artists that can design a board for you.”