Staying Productive While Social Distancing

How do you stay productive when you are social distancing and when sales prospects are not in the office or are not returning your phone calls?  Do the tasks which get shoved aside when the phone is ringing and the emails are piling up.

  • Look for new locations.  That’s what Insider’s billboard company is doing right now.    Research county zoning rules.  Drive neighborhoods.  Email landowners.
  • Research potential sales prospects.  Look at their website and at articles about them and make notes.
  • Email or phone your out of home clients to discuss how they can change their messaging now (e.g. we do takeout, open for business, we deliver…) or how they will want to change their messaging when the virus subsides.
  • Clean up your lease files.  Read Billboard Insider’s Guide to Lease and Easements and review your leases and list the things you’ll want to amend.
  • Research vendors who can help save your money and make you more productive.  There’s never enough time to talk with them when the economy is booming.
    • Digital sign manufacturers (Daktronics, Formetco, Media Resources, Watchfire).  It you don’t have digital billboards but have questions I bet there’s a rep who’s happy to talk.
    • Apparatix or Fuze or SignDash to run your business
    • Docusign or Adobe Sign to allow customers and prospects to e-sign ad contracts.
    •  Cloud-based todo lists like Todoist which make it easier to organize and priortize tasks.
    • Mapping software for find new locations.
    • Call Adomni or Adquick to get loaded into their system for automated sales of ads.
    • Call PJ Pedroni at Smartlink to learn how to control and manage your billboard lights remotely.
    • Ask Brian Kline at Reliable Electric or your Formetco rep for a quote on high efficiency billboard lights to cut your power bill.
    • Inventory your signs and schedule the maintenance projects you’ve been deferring.

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