Company of the Day: Discover Outdoor

Company: Discover Outdoor

Markets: Texas, Oklahoma.

Headquarters: PO Box 6351 Paris, Texas 75461

Phone: 903-491-3191

Contact Email:

Discover Outdoor is a family owned company which owns 220 advertising faces in Northeast Texas and Southeast Oklahoma.

The company was started in 1993. James and Jan Martinez are the owners.  Jessica Martinez handles accounts receivable and will be attending dental school.  Tristan Martinez handles real estate purchases and new builds, fabrication and oversees the building or our commercial offices and residential building projects.  Insider talked with James Martinez

James and Jan Martinez, Owners, Discover Outdoor

How did you get involved with the out of home business? 

I started in the business as a land lease person, then went to sales. I took over managing the company within 2 months after my sales exceeded any records and goals ever achieved.
Tell us about your plant.
 We strive for great long term billboard locations with the highest impressions possible. We keep our rates lower than our competitors because we have no debt. We pay for our builds as we go.
We grow carefully. Some of our clients have been with me since 1993. We love our clients.
And, we give back to the communities to which we operate.
You’re looking to expand
We are looking to buy a few more of the best billboards anywhere in Texas and Oklahoma. We pay up to 85 times the monthly if they’re on  perpetual easements and we believe in the locations. We also buy commercial land suitable for billboards and new commercial rental buildings among residential duplexes.   We’ve been great at looking at the whole picture.
Whose digital signs do you use?
I use all Formetco products.
Anything else?
We are 99 percent Led lights, and we operate at a 97 percent fully leased since 93.
We are now 97 percent owner of all the land under our billboards.

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