Feedback on Premiere Panels

Insider received some comments on the Clear Channel Outdoor’s announcement that it had transformed 1,300 sign faces into “Premier Panels.”

One reader comments:

ClearChannel has offered these wrapped 30 sheets for decades in the California market as an upgrade to traditional poster showings. The presser about this “new” thing confused me. Why were they touting something they’ve done for years?

I initially read it that they had brought the entire adspace lower to grade and thereby migrated the message towards a pedestrian/ transit model vs a traditional vehicle model.

That would have been a real novel idea given the stunning impact of a 12×25 at eye level and the work needed to get permitting issues resolved. But photos showed otherwise.

With huge images becoming a part of the accepted visual culture/environment in many upscale urban malls an idea like that would be a real gold star in retail districts where the traditional “30 sheet at 30ft” is seen as blight by planners.

Did I read the presser wrong? I hope so. I’d love to see some awesome grade level imagery to add color to retail districts.

Another says:

My entire plant is Premiere Panels since the 90’s !! I built my plant with 12′ x 24’6″…faces from day one. I refer to these panels as Bulletins??

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