Out of Home Advertising Reaches Children with Message of Love and Hope

To the many billboard operators who supported the Samaritan’s Purse project Operation Christmas Child by donating available space on your digital boards in 2019, thank you! We are excited to share 2019 results.

More than 10.5 million shoebox gifts were collected worldwide in 2019! More than 8.9 million were collected in the U.S. alone.

“The shoeboxes open up the door for us to be able to share God’s love with children,” said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse. “I want every child to know that God is real, that He cares for them, and I want them to know the true meaning of Christmas, which is God sent His Son to this earth to save them from their sins.”

Since 1993, more than 178 million Operation Christmas Child gift-filled shoeboxes have been distributed to children in more than 160 countries and territories.

Many children who receive shoebox gifts will also enroll in Operation Christmas Child’s 12-lesson discipleship program, The Greatest Journey. This program teaches children about God’s amazing love and guides them through what it means to faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Since 2009, 19 million children have participated in the program. Every child who graduates is given a New Testament in their own language. In some places, this program is leading to new churches established, even in hard-to-reach areas.

Special thanks to Chris Cowlbeck and Kailee Keller at Independent Billboard Operators who warmly invited Operation Christmas Child to share the impact of the program during IBO’s fall conference.

Operators who participated shared feedback, such as:

  • “Love the organization and creative.”
  • “Thank you for this opportunity!”
  • “God bless you for the impact you are making on children everywhere!”
  • “We are blessed to assist such a great ministry and cause!”
  • “It was an easy process to get the artwork, and I look forward to doing it next year.”

While many Operation Christmas Child shoebox packers are already beginning their 2020 efforts looking ahead to National Collection Week: Nov. 16 – 23, 2020, we pause to celebrate the role our friends in outdoor advertising played in 2019.

More than 80 digital boards were reported by participating operators:

  • Allison Outdoor Advertising
  • Arrington Outdoor Advertising
  • Blackbelt Outdoor Advertising
  • Choice Media
  • DCMarketing, LLC
  • Dusty’s Outdoor Media
  • Giesken Outdoor Advertising
  • Integration Media, Inc.
  • Interstate Outdoor, Inc.
  • JR Promotions, LLC
  • Kennedy Outdoor Adverting
  • Local Media Outdoor Advertising
  • New South Outdoor
  • Oliver Outdoor
  • Primary Media Outdoor Advertising
  • Tri-Star Outdoor Advertising Co.
  • Venture Outdoor Advertising
  • Vital Outdoor Advertising
  • Visual Outdoor Advertising
  • Wingate Media
  • 5 Star Outdoor

If you would still like to report your participation in 2019, please contact OCCmedia@samaritan.org. We would like to provide a gift-in-kind receipt and offer our sincere gratitude.

We can’t thank you enough for the overwhelming outpouring of generosity! Be encouraged that your efforts will impact children, their families, and entire communities as they come to know the love of God.

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