Company of the Day – Chicago Billboards

Name: Chicago Billboards

Headquarters: 10022 Bode Road, Plainsfield IL 60585

Market: Greater Chicago

Phone: 847-344-2918


Todd Sanders is an owner and partner in Chicago Billboards and Insider had the opportunity to get an update on the Company.

Tell us about how 2019 treated Chicago Billboards?

2019 was a busy year for us. We sold our Chicago area expressway static and digital inventory, while continuing to add new Community Digital Network locations. We are now exclusively focused on the development of our Community Digital Network.

Have you seen growth in your Community Digital Network? What makes the program unique in your marketplace?

We continue to grow the Community Digital Network by adding additional locations to current communities were we have coverage and with expansion into new municipalities. Our coverage is generally located in areas where other OOH options do not exist. We try to position our inventory on surface streets at major intersections for dual reading exposure as well as extended dwell times from the back up of the traffic lights.

Are you still Watchfire fans?

We are still exclusively working with Watchfire. We are excited about the expansion of their Marketplace to allow for more programmatic opportunities.

What are your key goals in the new year?

To continue to expand our Community Digital Network where we can develop enough mass to appeal to larger national advertisers with a broad, Chicago suburban market coverage.


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