Insider is constantly asked about local billboard pricing. Adquick, the automated out of home buying platform, has developed a billboard pricing widget. You put in your zip code and it tells you what billboards, street furniture and wallscapes cost in that zip code for a 4 week flight.
Here is the median pricing data for the entire United States. Wallscapes had the highest CPM, followed by billboards, transit and street furniture.
Median Price – $12,450/4 weeks
Median CPM – $26.77
Locations – 1,002
Median Price – $900/4 weeks
Median CPM – $5.33
Locations – 279,482
Median Price – $10,000/4 weeks
Median CPM – $3.04
Locations – 6,733
Street Furniture
Median Price – $675/4 weeks
Median CPM – $3.21
Locations – 81,435
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