Haleigh Powell Reminds Us Why Billboard Advertising is Amazing

By Haleigh Powell, Huntington Outdoor

Haleigh Powell, Client Relations Director, Huntington Outdoor

As we kickoff to cooler fall weather and football season here are some reminders why billboard advertising is amazing!

Remember your WHY:

We are daily, hourly and each second surrounded by noise. Think about your day and what happened in it. Do you remember all the ads, promotions, and “noise” that was directed at you throughout your day? The answer is probably not. In a world of noise, it is increasingly difficult to make an impact and be remembered. So what is the answer? Repetition and well-designed out of home ads are the most effective ways to reach your target audience.  My successful clients use OOH to drive online traffic and promotional deals. Advertising on more than one platform repetitively is the most effective way to reach your target audience. Billboards provide consistent marketing and reach people where they are (on the roads).

This fall, remind your clients that people are running from newspaper and radio advertising. They are running toward digital and billboard advertising instead. Billboards are one of the ONLY traditional ways to advertise that is still increasing in market share.

“Travelers take note of billboard advertising. Seventy-one percent of travelers often look at the messages on roadside billboards and more than one-third (37%) report looking at an outdoor ad each or most of the time they pass one.”​ -​ ​the Arbitron National In-Car Study

In a world of Noise, be the Loudest?

Below is a graphic from Huntington Outdoor’s website stresses how much time people spend viewing OOH ads. Also, as the holiday season gets closer, traffic and travel time increases as well.

Remember your WHY.

Create great creative. Billboards meet people where they are.

Be the best, not the loudest.

Provide value to your clients.


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