Robert Wallace on Sales, Social Media and Finding Good Locations

Robert Wallace, Founder, Southeastern Signs

Yesterday Southeastern Sign owner Robert Wallace talked about getting started in the out of home business.  Today he talks about sales, social media and how to find a good digital sign location.

You’ve got a great website, you use video and you’re active on social media.  

I can only talk to so many people per day on a phone.  So I use social media to talk to the masses…not only my current clients but my future clients to educate them on the benefits of billboard advertising…with social media I can reach thousands of people with one post in one day…I’ve trying to make billboards not boring…I’m trying to get people interested…and one way you can do that is really cool videos.  If you take drone footage and time lapse footage and you chop it up it grabs their attention…social media, Instagram, facebook, the website…The website is the first thing people check out, especially for young billboard companies.

On the importance of sales

I’m not a natural born sales person…I didn’t understand how to sell a billboard ad…Now I know that it’s not just billboard ads.  I’m selling myself in all aspects of my life.  I’m selling myself to the zoning guy.  I’m selling myself to a landowner when I’m trying to lease his property…

What do you know now about the out of home business that you wish you knew when you started.

At first I was very skeptical about how many digital billboards the market can support…There are a lot of digital billboards in Lynchburg for the size…I was concerned we were overly saturating the market…I was very conservative…

On finding a good location.

I have my requirements.  It’s got to be at a stoplight.  It’s got to be on a four lane road.  And it’s got to be going in towards where all the retail is at…and hopefully a right hand read.

You can watch a short company youtube video where Robert introduces himself and describes his locations below.



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