If you’ve ever visited Watchfire’s Danville headquarters you’ve seen this 14 by 48 billboard.
Still looks great. It’s a 19mm model which is 12 years old. Watchfire will replace it with a new 16 mm billboard later this summer along with new internal components and wiring. The original structure and cabinet will stay in place.
A rule of thumb is that a digital billboard will last at least 100,000 hours or 11.5 years. At the end of that time you don’t scrap the whole sign. You can keep the steel structure, cabinet and much of the wiring. You’ll replace the LED modules which Insider estimates at 50% of the upfront cost of the billboard.
Have any readers had experience with replacing a 10+ year old billboard. What’s been your experience? What did it cost? Contact billboardinsider@gmail.com or use the form below.
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