Feedback on Refusing Strip Club and Massage Parlor Ads

Last Friday Insider published a post recommending that out of home companies refuse strip club and massage parlor ads. Lots of support from readers.  Here’s a selection.

Chris Zukin, Meadow Outdoor:

We at Meadow Outdoor agree with Nancy Fletcher and David Krupp.
We do not, and never have, accepted or posted strip club, massage parlor or adult store advertising. Would I be comfortable with one of my grandchildren asking me “What is that billboard about Grandpa?” If not, we don’t take it.

An out of home employee:

I work with a radio station who distributes messages of hope in the communities it serves. I also work with a non profit focused on helping women rise from despair. Being the conduit to both of their goals, I can strategically place the radio station ads in pockets of a community and produce positive results. No better feeling, than to hear volunteers from the non profit, tell me stories from the women who saw the ads, and are listening to find a way out of their circumstances. Side note: The non profit refuses to call these businesses “Gentlemen’s Club’s”, rather they use the term “Strip Clubs”, as Nancy did! (Out of Home is more powerful than we realize).

Brad Tooley, Choice Media:

Outdoor Advertising companies should have greater values than to trash out our communities with any sexually oriented businesses. To do otherwise lowers our industry and purpose to the lowest life form.  We have to think about the family with their kids viewing everything we place on our billboards.

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