Here are three out of home stories Insider is watching in 2019.
Clear Channel Outdoor Set Free.
Insider expects Clear Channel Outdoor will cut ties with iHeart Media and leave bankruptcy during 2019. The reorganization plan has been approved by creditors and is waiting final Court approval. This will be a great thing. Since 2012 Clear Channel Outdoor has been hamstrung by high leverage and a parent which would rather grab cash than grow the business. Look at this chart. Since 2012 Clear Channel Outdoor has spent only $0.4 on capexp for every dollar of dividends and parent advances. Since 2012 Lamar has spent $1.5 on capexp for every dollar of dividends. Lamar invests in the future. Clear Channel Outdoor’s parent strips the cupboard. Freedom from iHeart gives Clear Channel Outdoor the ability to invest in the future.
What fills 50,000 New York City smartscreens?
Insider calculates there are 7,000 smartscreens currently in New York. OUTFRONT is installing 50,000 smartscreens in New York. That’s a 7 fold increase in inventory. Insider will be watching to see if the screens can be filled and at what price. Can programmatic out of home buying fill the void?
Programmatic for the rest of us.
2018 was the year programmatic buying became feasible for independent billboard operators. Vince Miller of DDI Media told Insider this at the GO2018 convention: “I walked up to my sales manager Monday and said, I don’t know what our sales people were doing over the weekend but Blip sold $800 in billboard ads. I know this because the art was sent to me for approval.” Blip, Fliphound, Adquick, Adsemble, Adomni (referred to as ad money by some operators). If you have a digital billboard you should reach out to these vendors to see how they can help you generate additional revenues. Expect to see programmatic buys increase during 2019.
What do you think are some stories to watch in 2019. Let Insider know using the form below.
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