Out of Home Magical for Daniel Chan

Bay Area magician Daniel Chan is a fan of billboards.   He’s used them to effectively promote his business.  Chan is currently running an ad on a 15′ x 27′ double-sided, digital billboard located in Hayward, CA. Visible to traffic traveling to and from Hayward, San Leandro and Union City. SF Bay Area.

Daniel what gave you the idea to use billboards?

Early in my career, I remember seeing countless billboards of Lance Burton as I drove into Las Vegas… Since then I’ve had the opportunity to utilize billboards in my marketing mix.

Dan Chan Digital Billboard Ad purchased using AdSemble

How does out of home advertising compare with Google?

Recently I revisited traditional advertising and purchased a billboard for a week. During this week, I measured the results I had with the billboard versus the results I had with Google Adwords. The results were very surprising.
Billboards – $0.0011 per impression ($440.00 for a huge double-sided billboard for one week).  Google Adwords – $0.041 per impression.  All time it’s comparable. But I’ve seen this advertising landscape change drastically. In the past billboard marketing was multiples of what it would cost for Google Adwords. Now things have flipped completely around!

What advice would you have for small businesses considering out of home advertising?

Considering that billboards are so “cheap” I’d recommend if you’re advertising consider billboards in your marketing mix in addition to what you’re currently doing. In addition advertising on a billboard adds significantly more credibility and some might event say would elevate a performer to “celebrity status”.
If this trend continues I wouldn’t be surprised if Google and or Facebook makes moves into billboard advertising or makes some acquisitions of these companies.

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