Out of the office: Billups Partner/Chief Strategy Officer Makes Art

Billups Partner/Chief Strategy Officer Rick Robinson makes art:
“OOH is a human instinct.  We are visual at our core, we’re aggressive about it and it’s in our nature to mark space.  As an expression of that DNA I’ve been a steel sculptor for 25 years.  Have had the very good fortune to show my work all over LA and in New York, SF and Europe. I call it Primitive Pop.  Think of primitive icons as inspiration, steel as the base material and pop finishes in rust, polymers and metallic.”
Me in my downtown studio of 20 years.
At work welding a mounting clip to the back of a wall piece
Wall of inspiration for my next show about Native American Petroglyphs
“Invictus” installed at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center

Out of the Office is Billboard Insider’s Saturday column which describes what members of the out of home community do on their days off.  If you have a hobby which you’d like featured in Out of the Office contact Insider using the form below.

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