The weather reports have Hurricane Florence hitting the East Coast on Thursday of this week. Insider reached out to Grey Vick at Grey Outdoor to discuss preparing for the potentially big storm.
Grey, what’s the current status on Hurricane Florence?
Right now it looks like it’s coming right towards where I live in Wilmington NC
How strong are they predicting winds to be when it hits the shoreline?
Latest weather reports are predicting close to a category 5 with winds around 145 mph. That would mean the worst storm we have had to prepare for in almost 20 years
What’s Grey Outdoor doing to get ready?
Pulling all our vinyls down cutting off the digitals and updating and preparing with all the insurance we need for the at-risk structures (non-conforming signs) and digitals.
With you being a smaller operation, do you have the staff to get everything ready by Thursday?
Blessed to have some guys with several crews who have been with me for a while. They are making my signs a priority as I do for them when they need it as well. Special thanks to Andrew Stonerock and Stonerock Outdoor, David Glass Insurance and from Roosterworks 24/7.
Insider knows there are many other operators preparing for the storm. If you would like to share your thoughts or advice, feel free to comment on the form below. Most importantly, be safe!
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