Lind SignSpring Lowers Maintenance Issues

“We have installed 6 of the SignSprings and my guys love it. Throughout the Industry, we’ve heard of a rash of accidents where guys have dropped tools, straps, bars, etc.  and Lind SignSpring pretty much eliminates that threat for us.”  Jessie Anderson, Operations Manager, Adams Outdoor Advertising.

If you are looking for ways to simplify installs and save money you should consider the Lind SignSpring system  SignSpring makes BannerSpring, which replaces the ratchet system for installing vinyl faces on billboards.  Insider talked with SignSpring owner John Siegenthaler.  Siegenthaler developed the product while looking for a way to cut install times at his billboard company Lind Outdoor.

John, how much does it cost to retrofit a billboard?

Cost is about $2.50 per linear foot.  It requires very little time to convert a bulletin or poster to SignSpring. A 14×48 bulletin  requires approximately 128 springs and can be converted in as little as an hour. Once converted, Future postings and changeout times are cut in half.

How does the install work?

Depending on the surface of the bulletin, BannerSprings are installed with either metal or wood screws around face perimeter. Once installed, simply pull the spring tips into the vinyl or PE perimeter at the marked edges. Much like the simplicity of a trampoline, SignSpring provides tight, wrinkle free, sag free, professional banner installations every time whether your display period is 4 weeks or 4 years.

SignSpring maintain a constant, even tension while providing a durable, permanent signage solution with easy graphic change-outs.

We also provide PosterSpring which comes in 11”, 6” and 3” models. They easily install beneath the molding on poster panels hidden from view and extremely effective.

What are the benefits of Signspring?

Not only is SignSpring the most affordable system to purchase and install, it can double and triple billposter efficiency. Billboard vinyls and PEs go directly from shipping box to billboard with no tools required. This has enabled our posting fleet to convert from pickup trucks to small 4×4 SUVs which has saved a ton in fuel costs.Typical 30-sheet posting time is under 5 minutes which you can see on our website.

Simple Spring and Hook technology means NO Grommets, Ratchets, Cables, Frames or Clips. Lind SignSpring drastically reduces manpower, material and transportation costs while dramatically improving aesthetics. Once Installed, SignSpring provides a lifetime of performance without any need for ratchet straps, gripper bars, special vinyl finishing or tools. Lind SignSpring creates a low maintenance, low-cost system that allows easy change outs, long term performance and exceptional aesthetics.

Dozens of Outdoor Companies are using BannerSpring, BannerFrame and PosterSpring. The testimonials they have provided are amazing.   From large Companies including Adams, Fairway and Lamar to old-line and smaller industry leaders like Arnold Outdoor, Kessler and Porter Poster have been really happy with SignSpring. While some started using the system Spring on units where the installers were unable to get behind the face, they are now finding that it is the preferred choice for all bulletins and posters. The best endorsement is that everyone who has tried it, keeps buying more and continually converting.

To learn more about SignSprings contact John Siegenthaler or visit


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