Lots of comments on last Friday’s Billboards Are Not Passive Income post. Insider made the point that there’s nothing passive about the billboard business and if you want to make lots of money with little effort you should do something else. Here’s a selection.
Paul Wright, Sign Value
We occasionally get these kinds of calls too. We suggest buying commercial real estate with billboard leases on the property or that they buy billboard easements if they are looking for passive income. Not all commercial real estate can provide a passive income, but some property types (vacant land, warehouses, etc.) can be less time demanding. Like you said, these calls usually come from people who don’t have any experience in the out-of-home industry and they are usually small investors (less than $1,000,000). We explain that if they buy or build billboards they will have to actively rent space, manage the sign structures and run an office. We compare it to buying or building a self storage facility with dozens of units that require lots of attention.
Grey Vick, Grey Outdoor
Someone said to me the other day “ that must be nice passive income for you once you get a bunch of them”. I said once you get a bunch of them it’s a lot more to keep up with and work on constantly.
Some locations sell themselves but not all of them.
Mitchell Fowkes, owner, Steel City Billboards
Great article Dave Westburg.
I loved how you were stern and to the point with outsiders looking to make a quick easy buck.
Nothing easy and quick here.
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