Company of the Day: Circle City Outdoor

Company:  Circle City Outdoor

Markets:  Indiana, Iowa

Headquarters: 1405 West Crestwood Ct, Spokane, WA  98033

Phone:  206-910-1283


Circle City Outdoor operates a 55 face billboard plant in Indiana and Iowa.  The company is managed by Dave Westburg who also publishes Billboard Insider.  Insider interviewed Westburg.

How did you get into the out of home business?

My business partner John Weller and I started a private finance company in 1997.  We were doing radio and publishing loans and wanted to add additional areas of expertise.  I visited OAAA and talked with Nancy Fletcher and she gave me a packet of background information about the industry and I’ve been lending to the industry every since.

We became owners in the out of home industry in 2012 when we accepted collateral in satisfaction of a loan we made to Maxxed Media in Indiana.  We acquired a sign in Clear Lake Iowa from Busby Companies and more Indianapolis signs when the DOJ ordered Fairway and Clear Channel do divest some signs as part of the Indianapolis for Atlanta swap.

Tell us about your plant.

Everything from blue highway posters to freeway bulletins.  Our faces ring the city of Indianapolis.  Most of our clients are small businesses looking for directional advertising.

Any digitals

No but we’re looking seriously at it.  Indianapolis has a ban on digital signs but that should change this summer.

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