Outfront averages $1,720/flip on digital bulletins.

Outfront Media provided this slide itemizing digital billboard revenues in last week’s 1Q 2018 earnings presentation.

Brad Tooley of Choice Outdoor asked Insider to break down the numbers and here’s what Insider found.

  • Outfront Media’s digital billboards generated average monthly revenue of $13,760 during the first quarter of 2018, up from $13,373 during the first quarter of 2017.
  • Outfront Media’s digital billboards generated average monthly revenue per flip of $1,720 during the first quarter of 2018, up from $1,672 during the prior year, assuming 8 flips per unit.
  • Outfront Media’s transit screens generated monthly revenue of $2,612/screen or $327/flip during the first quarter of 2018.  The transit screens generate much less revenue per flip because they are only a fraction of the size of a digital billboard.

Insider used end of period digital units and transit units in computing yields.  This may understate actual yields in periods in which Outfront is rolling out lots of new screens as happened to transit screens during the first quarter of 2017.  A more accurate total would result from dividing revenue by average units but Insider didn’t have those figures.

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One Comment

  1. The flip business model is dated- and creates a barrier for midsize businesses to advertise.

    It’s a mind-set and model the industry has been accustomed to.

    Selling it hourly at a premium or in blocks of time is needed- in order to grow and evolve. It’s simple and fits the needs of today’s customers & buyers.

    Here’s a comparison- Based on a 28 day investment-

    Current Flip average = $ 1720 @ 50% occupancy (4)flips = $6,880 total revenue

    Hourly @$50 per hour @50% or (12 hours) per day occupancy = $16,800 total revenue