OAAA CEO Anna Bager was interviewed last week by Ian Dallimore on Lamar’s October 30 Digital and Dirt podcast. She highlighted the importance of the OAAA’s Benchmarketing study.
On the OAAA’s recent benchmarking study
Without making any changes to your investment but making some changes to how you’re investing your dollar you can …increase the effectiveness of your campaign 60% and that is by…adding reallocating more dollars to out of home…a little under 10% to close to 30% you can you know just make the campaign so much more efficient… you’re taking dollars not working very well for you putting them in out of home and we’re just seeing really great results so first part of the study came out last year…and now we’re going specifically into three different categories automotive retail grocery and CPG and all of them are showing incredible results when you add out of home to the mix.. mean that’s a pretty good door opener. Double the efficiency for no extra input and then… if they want if they want to go deep on the numbers you know we have them
On how out of home supports two fast growing channels – CCTV and retail media
If you add out of home in combination specifically with these two media platform you can amplify and increase the frequency of of reaching the consumer in the right way and both of those channels just make it work a lot better
For further details see Benchmarketing Media Plan Optimization; Analysis of Incremental Increase in OOH Share.
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