Who’s Paying What Out of Home Dividends

Here’s a summary of who’s paying what out of home stock dividends,prepared and analyzed by SignValue

Some observations.

  • Lamar’s dividend yield of 4.28% is slightly above the 4.25% average dividend yield for Lamar over the past five years.
  • OUTFRONT’s dividend yield of 6.73% is in line with the 6.77% average dividend yield for OUTFRONT for the past five years.
  • OUTFRONT’s dividend yield will be juiced by a one time payment later this year of $80 million or about $0.50 per share consisting of a payout on the gain related to the sale of the company’s Canadian out of home assets.  This payout will be in addition to the normal $0.30/share quarterly dividend.  The special dividend will push OUTFRONT dividend for 2024 into the 9-10% range


If you have questions contact Paul Wright, CEO, SignValue, paul@signvalue.com, 480-657-8400.

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