4 Tips to Identify and Target Businesses in Q4 2024

Out of home sales exec Charlie Callari

As Out-of-Home (OOH) sales reps, the 4th quarter presents a unique opportunity. Many businesses are looking to spend their remaining ad budgets before the year ends, and OOH can be a powerful channel for them to do so. But identifying which companies have money left and are looking to spend can be tricky. Here’s a breakdown of how to find and target these businesses to close deals before the end of Q4.

  1. Research Industry Trends and Budget Cycles

Certain industries tend to have larger leftover budgets towards the end of the year. Companies in sectors like retail, healthcare, and automotive often allocate big chunks of their advertising spend to Q4, either to push holiday sales or to boost their end-of-year visibility. Start by researching these industries to understand their budget cycles.

  1. Tap into Existing Relationships

Your CURRENT clients are ALWAYS your best starting point. If they’ve already run campaigns earlier in the year, now is a great time to check in and ask if they have any remaining budget to allocate. Many businesses hold a portion of their budgets back for last-minute pushes, and you’ll often find that Q4 campaigns are perfect for those last-minute dollars.

Start by reaching out to clients you’ve worked with in Q3 or earlier. Ask about their year-end objectives and whether they’re planning any final pushes before budgets reset. This shows you’re thinking about their long-term success and can lead to opportunities to either extend or create new campaigns.

  1. Identify Companies That Didn’t Run Ads Earlier in the Year

Some companies hold back on spending during the first three quarters due to market uncertainties, internal financial decisions, or waiting to see how certain products or services perform. As Q4 progresses, these companies may find themselves with extra funds that they need to allocate or lose altogether.

To identify these businesses, look for companies that have launched new products or services recently but haven’t run major advertising campaigns. Additionally, monitor local and industry events, trade shows, and announcements to spot companies that might have last-minute promotional needs. 

  1. Create Urgency

With the end of the fiscal year looming, businesses often feel pressured to spend what’s left of their marketing budget or risk losing it. This is where urgency can work in your favor. Be proactive in reaching out to potential clients and emphasize that OOH is one of the fastest ways to launch an impactful, high-visibility campaign in a short period.

When you approach businesses, highlight how quickly you can execute campaigns, how flexible your OOH solutions are, and how they can target specific demographics immediately. Scarcity sells, and businesses with leftover budgets will often prioritize opportunities that offer quick turnaround and measurable results.

In Q4, the combination of leftover ad budgets, end-of-year urgency, and strategic timing can work to your advantage. By targeting the right businesses, tapping into existing relationships, and emphasizing the quick execution of OOH campaigns, you can close more deals and finish the year strong. 

7 Business types that are PERFECT to pursue now, for 4th Quarter 

  1. Retail
  2. Automotive
  3. Healthcare
  4. Travel and Tourism
  5. Financial (Banks, Credit Unions)
  6. Real Estate
  7. Education

 Charlie Callari, is a senior-level sales leader in the OOH industry and over 25 years selling, building, and leading high performing sales teams, surpassing objectives, and winning. He is always looking to network within the OOH industry. He can be reached at 423-618-8635 or ccbillboardking@gmail.com.


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