Andy Goodman on Right Sizing an Out of Home Easement

Andy Goodman, Age Advertising

Today Out of Home leasing and development expert Andy Goodman talks about how to size an out of home easement.

What’s the right size for an easement?

The size of the easement will vary depending on the design of the structure.  On a 14′ by 48′  back-to-back structure, I would recommend a minimum easement length of  50′ or more.  And then because the digital sign in the airspace is going to have a width of approximately 10′ without the camera attachment I usually go between 20′ and 30′ on the width, so 20′ by 50′ minimum,  30′ by 60′ probably.

On a V structure that is 30’ of less I would go even larger. I would recommend a minimum of 40 feet which would include the camera in width and then in length somewhere between 50 and 60 feet. This guarantees that I’ve got enough room to work on the sign when it comes time to change out modules in the sign, to reset the computer, or work on the communications system.  I never do the easement based on the base of the sign – it has to include the airspace the sign occupies.

You can contact Andy at, 310-721-8422

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