Reader Feedback on the Texas DOT vs Primary Media

An eastern out of home executive weighs in on the Richard Rothfelder”s article reviewing Texas DOT vs Primary Media.

“Seems like the judge got it wrong.  I haven’t reviewed the case and all the details, but it sounds like the billboard company got screwed.  Government not following through on their promises with a bait and switch tactic to get the deed and not allow the relocation they promised.  No wonder people don’t trust the government when they pull these kind of stunts.  No wonder people don’t trust the election process.  I hope in the near future Texas operators can help craft a new state law that allows relocation whether the bureaucrat like the spot or not.  If it follows the rules it should be allowed to be relocated like they agreed to.  I’d love to hear a follow up on the appeals court.  Hopefully they will…Get in front of a full non bias panel of judges that can follow our constitution and laws instead of deciding what they personally like and don’t like and being absolved from any liability. (sovereign immunity)”


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