Rate This Board by Out of Home Creative

Rate This Board allows a billboard designer to rate a random piece of billboard artwork using the following scale: 1 (not good), 2 (below average), 3 (average), 4 (very good), 5 (great). Then the designer talks about what they may have done differently for outdoor advertising. This week’s rating is provided by Melody Roberts, an OBIE nominated billboard designer and founder of Out of Home Creative, an outdoor advertising design firm specializing in out of home design for businesses, agencies, media buyers and out of home companies. Melody has been in the outdoor industry since 1999. 


Rating 4 (very good)

  • One of the things I love when it comes to out of home is when you can get more than one board in close proximity to the other. It opens up a playing field of ideas that you can’t get with most media.
  • Multiple placements draw more attention than an individual billboard. You can see this here with AIR MAX; there’s a wallscape advertisement behind the Blue bulletin for mascara but it’s not as noticeable because of the two AIRMAX in front command the space.
  • The creative is fun, bold, colorful, loud and really stands out. The use of big, bold letters draws the eye in and because they didn’t make all the content the same size, you are more compelled to read both boards to see if the message/information needed is different.

Some ideas I’ve seen or think you could do with multiple boards near each other:

  • Play off each board with images that extend to the other (with or without extensions). I have designed a concept for this McCormicks Old Bay billboard.
  • Start a message and complete it on the other board.
  • Start a visual and finish it on the other board. This wallscape for the movie Cars 2 did just that.
  • If there’s several boards in a row, you could lead up to a reveal, advertise multiple price points/offers, etc. (I am working on a campaign right now that has 4 – 14×48 bulletins in a row).

One of my favorite’s that also has multiple boards as part of a campaign is the Audi vs BMW boards shown here:





Rating 3 (average)

  • This is a nice, clean design but unlike AIRMAX, I am drawn to the wallscape advertising from the mascara vs the Nike boards. The color scheme doesn’t command attention, it feels washed out against the overcast sky and I would think against a Blue sky it would really be Grey.
  • For the bulletin, I would have suggested someone running on pavement with a close up of the shoes so all you would see is a close up of the ankle, shoes and pavement. The dark pavement would make a nice dark backdrop for the tag line, “Run Forever” in White. In this space, it would have been dramatic and the shoes would be 12+ feet high.
  • For the panel, I would still go with this overall layout which is fun and interesting but use a complementing background that offered more contrast to help the product pop.

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