Company of the Day: Park Outdoor

Company:  Park Outdoor Advertising

Headquarters:  PO Box 4680, Ithaca, New York  14852-4680

Markets: New York, Pennsylvania.

Phone: 607-257-1477


Park Outdoor operates a billboard plant with 1,500 billboards including 48 digital faces in upstate New York and northern Pennsylvania.  Park operates regional offices in Binghamton, Finger Lakes, Utica and Syracuse.  Park is a member of the OAAA. The company was started in the 1950’s by Roy H Park Sr who also owned newspapers, magazines, radio stations and TV stations.    Roy H Park Jr was been CEO since 1984.    In 2017 Insider reviewed Sons in The Shadow a book written by Roy Park Jr which chronicles his time working for his father and running Park Outdoor.  David Feldman is the company’s EVP and Secretary External Relations.  In 2020 Feldman celebrated 50 years at Park.   Insider talked with Rick Steele the company’s Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer.

Rick Steele, Chief Operating Officer – EVP, Park Outdoor

What’s new at Park over the past year?

We continue to add to our digital inventory, adding 4 new faces in the past year, while also building new static faces.  Our commitment to investment remains strong, with several new build and conversion projects in various stages.  We are also investing in technology to improve the customer experience and consolidate/scale our IT architecture.

You’ve got loyal employees.

We are very proud that our average employee tenure is 19+ years.  That said we continue to be challenged to keep our operations team fully staffed.  The employment environment remains challenging.  We are so thankful to our team.

Are you using the automated sales platforms to help sell advertising?  What’s been your experience?

No we are not.  Occupancy on our digital network is historically high.  Because of that we don’t feel the need to explore automated platforms.

Any parting words?

Mr. Park is proud to own and lead, a local, 100% privately held OOH company.  For 50+ years he has believed in the business and our team who operates it on a day to day basis.


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