Adquick Joins the MRC

Billboard Insider thinks the pending MRC standards are much overdue and much needed step to enable out of home to achieve a greater market share.  We are pleased to see Adquick join the MRC board.  Here’s the announcement by Adam Signer, VP Marketing, Adquick:
We are thrilled to announce that AdQuick has joined the Media Rating Council (MRC) and now holds a seat on the Board of Directors. This significant step underscores our commitment to enhancing transparency, reliability, and innovation in advertising measurement standards.
The MRC is pivotal in protecting the advertising industry from fraud and setting robust standards for advertising impressions. As a member of the MRC board, AdQuick will play a crucial role in shaping these standards and addressing key industry issues.
Recently, the MRC introduced its first set of standards for OOH impressions, marking a milestone in the industry. AdQuick will actively participate in refining these guidelines, ensuring that brands and agencies can trust OOH audience measurement. Our expertise will be instrumental in defining how to measure audiences accurately.
By elevating OOH standards with cross-channel measurement, AdQuick aims to foster greater trust among vendors and create a more transparent and accountable advertising ecosystem. Our involvement comes at a pivotal time, leveraging our advancements in OOH buying and analytics to shape the future of OOH advertising.
We are excited about the positive impact this will have on the industry and look forward to contributing to the development of robust advertising measurement standards.
For more details, read the full story here.


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