Company of the Day – Mixed Media Group

Company: Mixed Media Group, Inc.

Markets: Illinois, Iowa, Michigan

Headquarters: 1152 Liberty Avenue, Cary, IL  60013.

Phone: 847-462-8433


Steve Weber and Denny Orsinger

Mixed Media Group covers the Chicagoland Area, Eastern Iowa and Detroit. In Chicagoland they offer billboards in the far Northwest Suburbs including all major commuter roads with digital displays, our proprietary back-lighted billboards known as “AdLites”, and traditional static billboards. In Eastern Iowa and Detroit we have traditional Interstate/Highway billboards.

Denny Orsinger is the owner of Mixed Media Group. In his 40+ years in the billboard business he has worked in markets all over the country. He has been involved in many different businesses as well.

Steve Weber has been with Mixed Media Group since 2001. He is involved in almost every aspect of the outdoor advertising business including Sales, Leasing, Charting, Graphic Design, Government Relations, and IT.

Mixed Media is a member of the IBOUSA.


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