5 tips to improve your out of home website.

Last week Insider published the 2018 out of home website rankings.  Insider is getting requests from companies wishing to improve their websites.  Here are the five steps you can take to improve your out of home advertising website.

Ad sign video.  Only 7% of out of home websites do this.  It’s easy to take video with a smartphone, upload it to youtube and then copy and paste the link into your wordpress website.  Huntington Outdoor has incorporated video into every sign page on its website.

Add a buttons connecting to your company’s social media pages.  Make it easy for people to follow you on social media.  Only 18% of all out of home websites connect to a company linked in page.  Only 23% of out of home advertising websites connect to a company twitter page.  Only 39% of out of home websites connect to a facebook page.  Arena Outdoor may be a small company but it makes it easy for people to connect to its facebook, twitter, google plus and linked in pages.  Look at the buttons at the bottom on the page.

Add staff names, pictures and emails.  Only 22% of out of home advertising websites have staff pictures.  Only 48% of out of home advertising websites have staff names.  If Lamar can do it for all its employees (see below) why can’t your company?  Yes your spam email may go up because web crawlers will harvest your email and spam you but that’s what internet filters are for.  Billboardinsider@gmail.com is all over this website.  Insider gets 10-15 spam emails a day but they go straight to his google spam folder.  Small price to pay for being reachable.

Add Design Tips.  Help potential advertisers learn about what makes for an effective out of home ad.  Only 28% of our of home advertising websites do this.  Meadow Outdoor has a great design page which helps clients to figure out what to do and not do.


Add a “Why Outdoor” page.  Only 36% of out of home websites do this.  Don’t assume that people know why they should buy a billboard.  Tell them.  Plenty of great material on the strengths of out out of home advertisng at the OAAA.

If you would like help with redesigning your website contact billboardinsider@gmail.com.

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One Comment

  1. Suggestion #6. Make your site mobile-friendly. People use their cellphone or tablet for everything. Don’t make them have to enlarge your information. You might just lose them.
    Suggestion #7. Maintain a blog on your site and make sure all your information and stories are loaded with search terms to attract more clients.