4 Things Small Businesses Want Out of Home Companies to Know

During yesterday’s  The Power of Local OAAA webinar (accessible to OAAA members) Corey Elliott EVP of Local Market Intelligence at Borrell and Associates said there are 4 things small businesses want out of home companies to know.

Be Affordable

No matter who you are be affordable…they want you to know that they have smaller budgets.   They want lower start fees…if you come in with a packaged up thing for them their nature is to try and unbundle…

Understand us

Understand us.  Understand who we are…if you’re coming in to sell me advertising you had better know something about my business… don’t come in with another needs analysis. I don’t have time for that.  Know my industry.   It’s my agenda not yours. Don’t come in and force anything down my throat.  Listen to my problem and help me solve it… learn and then act…don’t come in with “I’ve got your solution” if you don’t or if you’ve never talked to the person before…

Provide measurement

Provide measurement.  They all want better attribution.  They want better ROI.   They love customized reporting…that’s what they want they want the outcome not the audience…I don’t care who your audience is as long as they buy whatever I want them to buy, as long as they’re coming into my store… focus it less on you and your wonderful audiences and me and my consumers.

Bring Creative 

They want to see fresh ideas.   They want you to apply the latest, newest trends.   Think outside the box and basically come to them with ideas after you learn about them and understand their problems… then come to them with a complete package…

OAAA members can watch the entire webinar at The Power of Local – Borrell’s 2024 Local Ad Sales Survey.


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