Lamar’s Atlantic Regional Manager Robert Campbell and Gulf Coast Regional Manager Tom Sirmon are retiring this summer. Last week Billboard Insider interviewed Campbell. Today we talk to Sirmon.
Tom, how did you end up at Lamar?
Answered an ad for a Sales Position in the local newspaper.
You’ve progressed from sales to sales manager to general manager to territory manager to regional manager at Lamar. What extra skills were needed at each stage of your career?
Listen to your customers.
Take calculated risks.
Don’t be scared to make mistakes.
If you do make a mistake, fix it.
If you were speaking to a class of new Lamar out of home sales reps what would you say?
Be a forward thinker.
Embrace technology.
Build a lasting relationship with your customer.
Make sure your customer is satisfied through every step of the sales process.
If there is a problem, make sure you tell them, not them tell you. Then fix it.
What’s the best sales book you’ve read and why?
Not sure, there were so many. They all basically say the same thing: Become your customer’s partner. Do everything you can to help them accomplish advertising goals.
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Enjoy it, Tom. You have earned it.