18 Months to Bigger, Beefier Contracts

Todd & Richard

Yesterday, Todd & Richard at up to something agency announced a new OOH Creative Training Course.  Insider was intrigued, so we caught up  with Richard Molinaro to get the details.

Richard, Tell us about 18 Months to Bigger, Beefier Contracts?

The quality of your creative directly affects the quantity of your contracts.

It puts your sales team on better footing, both in prospecting and negotiating renewals. We’ve all suspected this—for a long time. And we’re starting to gather proof. But, as encouraging as this may be, many billboard companies and many creatives within the out of home industry don’t have the proper tools at their disposal to go from decent to good. And on to great. Decent merely abides by the rules of out of home. Good uses them and manipulates them to the client’s advantage. Great questions everything in service of the campaign, turning the billboard into an experience. At the end of 18 months, this oughta be you.


Who is the class for?

Out of home creatives of all levels, of all skills and of all aspirations. Art and design school didn’t teach any of us about out of home creative advertising. And that’s assuming many of us went to art and design school to begin with. Many didn’t. These classes are designed for both. With a flexible curriculum that plays to each student’s strengths and weaknesses.

And that’s just part of it. Many creatives work in silos. No clear direction. No one pushing or mentoring them. Aside from the lessons themselves, we provide that direction and mentoring. And, in the group setting, a little camaraderie.

What is the time commitment?

We hold one one-hour group class each week, at a time that works best for all of us. We’ve found that the group setting allows for more learning opportunities and better real-world chances at collaboration.

Classes are accompanied by light homework assignments.

We also offer a set amount of office hours, should a student want more one-on-one assistance.

We are cognizant of work schedules, so time commitments are fluid. However, if you’re paying for it, you might as well get the most out of it.

What kind of investment would a student need to make?

A single student can expect to pay $1,000 a month. Or 10% off of that, should the student pay for 6 months in advance. If an employer has five or more students looking to attend, they get even more of a discount.

If someone is interested, where can I get more  information?

You can follow this link, https://uptosomething.agency/classes. Or contact richard@uptosomething.agency


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